McMaster Research Group for Stable Isotopologues (MRSI)

McMaster Research Group for Stable Isotopologues(MRSI) is equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities for stable isotope geochemistry and paleoclimate reconstruction studies. Two dual inlet stable isotope ratio mass spectrometers (DI-IRMS) and a continuous-flow isotope ratio spectrometer (CF-IRMS) are housed in our laboratory, along with various on-line and off-line sample preparation systems. MRSI focuses on (1) developing and refining environmental proxies for a better understanding of past and current environmental changes on Earth, (2) reconstructing local and global climate history using a variety of natural climate archives, (3) developing new analytical techniques for the stable isotope community, and (4) performing laboratory and field studies for evaluating abiogenic and biogenic signatures from terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials. Furthermore, MRSI is involved with the study of archaeological materials.

New We are currently looking for students to work with our research group.

Please contact Dr. Sang-Tae Kim for more information.

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

School of Earth, Environment & Society
General Science Building Room 402
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4K1

Give us a ring

+1 905-525-9140  ext. 27535